Manuscript Formatting

Why Choose Manuscript Formatting?

Our Manuscript Formatting service is ideal for busy researchers. We format your manuscript to meet the guidelines of your chosen journal, so you can spend more time doing the research you love.

Every journal has specific guidelines for articles, which can often be taxing for a research scholar to understand. You do not want to waste your precious time in acquiring software and design skills that are needed to produce perfect figures for publication. This is where our specialists come in. They understand article guidelines across a wide variety of journals (and file formats), and modify figures and images as per journal instructions with the greatest accuracy and aesthetic value.

Our experts are familiar with journal requirements and will


  • Meet layout guidelines and conventions

    Modify your page layout to conform to the guidelines and conventions of your chosen journal. We also indicate if you need to revise your article to comply with word count restrictions in your title, running head, abstract, main text, and figure legends.

  • Match your journal’s style guide

    We check your manuscript against the style guide of your chosen journal – ensuring that all images, figures, and tables are placed correctly within the manuscript, and that figure titles and legends are standardized to journal specifications.

  • Follow reference guidelines

    We check your cited references for accuracy and update their format to comply with journal guidelines.

How It Works

1 Provide your manuscript and chosen journal

2 Expert formats manuscript to the journal’s guidelines and checks cited references for accuracy

3 Expert adds comments indicating needed revisions, such as word count restrictions

4 Download your formatted manuscript

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